Trying to sell an inferior product is no fun.
Many Sellers try to take the easy route by sourcing a product as cheap as possible. They think that this will lead to more profit for them. They are often wrong.
You see... there are many downsides to selling a bad product. These all eat into your profit and long-term success.
Here are 5 reasons to do what you can to sell good products.
1. More 5-Star Amazon Reviews
If you have a product that people love you'll get more 5-star reviews and less 2 or 3-star reviews.
This makes a huge difference in the perceived quality of your product. As you know... reviews and ratings are a major factor for customers considering buying your product. If you have several poor reviews you'll usually lose the sale. Especially if there are competitor products with higher customer reviews.
When you have customers buying from you more than...